Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Phantom's Revenge

People that read this blog have really good taste. And I say that not [exclusively] with a sense of superiority, but because I'm consistently impressed with the music that the readers and contributers are making themselves. Today I'm talking about The Phantom's Revenge of Nîmes, France (who coincidentally was part of the group effort that brought you "Daddy's Favourite" a couple of days ago. This is really a very interesting blend of styles; The classic disco and French-house influences are obvious, but theres a good deal of fidgeting and twitching going on that set these apart from your typical fitery fare. Enjoy.




For Those Who Come In Late [RIGHT-CLICK TO DOWNLOAD]


Jean Moustache said...

i play French Cheese Funk each time i mix

The Boom Operator said...

Great post, and yes. We (the readers) do have good taste!

Keep on keepin' on.

Anonymous said...

incredible blog...

just a quick question
what do you make of this...

Tom Oke said...

THESE ARE UNBELIEVABLY GOOD! Especially 'For Those That Come In Late'...fantastic. Updated Crydamoure sounds!! You've stuck GOLD again. Thanks Goldberger, and thanks The Phantom's Revenge!

Spaceman Spiff said...

this blog kicks so much ass.
every day a fresh tune I am in love with.

John Stortz said...

that falke post gets me wondering, i want more research!

and these tracks are top!

Solid Goldberger said...

I feel like i knew the story with Falke, that it was an alias, but i can't recall exactly. I'll find a relevant link and get back to yas.


Solid Goldberger said...

There is an interview (and picture) of Fred Falke on French Touch Forum. Its in French, so if anyone wants to translate it and say what its about, let me know:

Also, he's got a new EP out (or coming out soon). I'll put a track or two up in the coming days.

Unknown said...

'For Those That Come In Late' is the coolest thing i've heard in years ... to bad that in romania nobody mixes this kind of music .. but i'll do everything that i can to promote this awesome kind of music ... thank you , thank you , thank you !!!!

DAftPUnkENstEIn said...

You'll really love Phatom's Revenge once you hear "Just Like Old Times".

That song is classic!

Unknown said...

I think it is terrible how you love the music, but post all the mp3s for free download without links to places to buy the artists work. These guys like myself spend OUR time making the music and then it's not worth your money yet you still want it.

If your gonna post these mp3s, link to the artists site and what not. You are promoting piracy more than the music because if you were promoting the music you would be promoting the artists and supporting them.

CrystalForce said...

applause to this blog for still having working links ten years later