Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Altered Beast

This has been a great weekend, first off. Had a great time at the Metro Area/Tim Sweeney night at Studio B. on Friday, and my Giants actually played like a playoff team yesterday! All this goodness didn't overcome the fact that I got hooked up by a couple of new friends with some records i've been searching for for a while.

If you've kept up with my blog, you know that I'm a huge fan of the duo of Ali and Farid Allalou, better known as Dirty Ali and Funky Farid, the creative force behind The Eternals and Vinyl Fever. In 2002, they teamed up with Madjid Hocine to create 3 records under the moniker "The Altered Beast".

Here is the first (I believe) of their 3 EPs, this released on the seminal but currently dormant 20000st. Thanks, Steve!

ST-023 (2002)
The Altered Beast - "Coney Island"




Rocket Silverstand said...

Ghost Train doesn't work.
This 12" is nice btw. Not their best, but nice.

Solid Goldberger said...

Seems to work for me....try a different browser?


Rocket Silverstand said...

Well, I can download the file, but I can't listen to it. Anyway, I can listen to it with the mini player.

AJpro18 said...

I love Ghost train, but when I downloaded it, I tried to play it in Windows Media player and got an error. Someone said it could be to do with tags?

Unknown said...
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John Stortz said...

Thank you so much for posting these, I've been searching high and low for my Eternals craving, this only made it worse.

Asher Diamonds said...

I love these tracks.

Unknown said...

20000 R.I.P.